If you are concerned about your alcohol/drugs problem there are a variety of support options available to both students and staff.  

For students and staff 

Chaplaincy: our chaplains are from many different faiths and beliefs.  We also have non-faith or spiritual chaplains. 

For students 

Centre for Wellbeing: the University’s team of professional counsellors, and mental health advisers offers confidential support. 

National Health Service NHS surgeries in the area provide support with a range of physical health and wellbeing issues. You can also use the NHS service search or call 0300 311 22 33 for details of other local surgeries.

University of Surrey Students Union (USSU) is a free confidential, impartial service where students can get advice and information on academic and personal issues, including advice on procedures and representation at meetings.  

Personal tutors are there to support your academic, personal and professional development throughout your time at Surrey. They will refer you to appropriate academic, welfare and support services when necessary. Tutors follow a Code of practice for personal tutoring to ensure they are delivering the best possible help to you. 

Extenuating circumstances: if you feel your studies have been affected you can consider applying for extenuating circumstances (ECs).

 Temporary withdrawals: if you feel your studies have been affected by what has happened, you can consider applying for a temporary withdrawal from studies. You may wish to discuss this option with your personal tutor. If you are a PGR student, further help and advice can be found by contacting the Research Degrees Office.

Nightline: listening service provided by the University of Surrey Students’ Union, 7pm - 7am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights during term time.  To access Nightline's phone number and instant messaging service, please go to ussu.ac.uk and log in with your student email. 

For staff 

Human Resources: if you are a member of staff or manager your HR contact will be able to identify the support that’s available.

The Employee Assistance Programme, BHSF RISE, gives staff access to free personalised, on-demand advice and support from a team of mental health, financial and legal experts, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Trade unions: there are three recognised trade unions that represent staff at the University: Unison, Unite and UCU.  Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on all aspects of workplace relations and employment law.  

Occupational Health provide a range of occupational health services including, absence management. health surveillance, health screening, work station assessments, policy design, on site assistance/clinics, disability at work, and health promotion. 

National Health Service NHS surgeries in the area provide support with a range of physical health and wellbeing issues. You can also use the NHS service search or call 0300 311 22 33 for details of other local surgeries. 

 Other sources of support 

 i-access Drug and Alcohol Services: provide specialist assessment, support and treatment to people who want help with their regular drug use and to those who are highly dependent on alcohol and want to stop drinking.  Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care: a 24-hour manned confidential help line giving support and information to drug and alcohol users, their families and friends. Can refer callers into treatment services.  Catalyst: a not for profit organisation which offers adult drug and alcohol users across Surrey access to support, reducing the harm to themselves, their families and communities. 


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