Safeguarding is about taking action to prevent and protect children under the age of 18 and adults at risk from abuse, neglect and harm. Adults at risk are defined by the Care Act 2014 as those who have care and support need, is experiencing or at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation and may be unable to protect themselves from this abuse. 

Types of situations from which children and adults at risk should be safeguarded include, but are not limited to, the following: 
  • Sexual harassment, abuse or exploitation
  • Physical, emotional, psychological abuse
  • Recruitment to radical extremist organisations
  • Domestic violence or abuse
  • Financial abuse
  • Modern slavery and child trafficking

The University has a duty to report suspected safeguarding concerns relating to a child or vulnerable adult to relevant external agencies, regardless of whether the individual is a member of the University community, if that concern is reported to, or identified by, a member of staff in the course of their duties.
Safeguarding affects all individuals in society and we all have a role to play. 

Abuse does not discriminate, and it can happen anywhere. It can come in many forms and may not always be visible. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened